27.04.2016 Restaurant "C'est la vie" – No. 6 out of 617 restaurants in Leipzig

Thanks to many excellent reviews from our guests, "C'est la vie" is counted amongst the 10 best restaurants in Leipzig. We are delighted that our guests continue to be so satisfied. Merci! TripAdvisor

09.02.2015 Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) Funding Programmes

The SAB is now subsidising 50% of language courses for employers and freelancers (Weiterbildungsscheck betrieblich) and up to 70% for employees (Weiterbildungsscheck individuell). read more
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Language trips

LSI World of Languages GmbH

Lützowstraße 2

04155 Leipzig

Phone: +49 (341) 58 61 319 - 0
Fax: +49 (341) 58 61 319 - 9
E-Mail: info@lsi-world.de

Category: England

Event: Scotland

Date: 06.09.2013 - 10.09.2013
