09.02.2015 Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) Funding Programmes

The SAB is now subsidising 50% of language courses for employers and freelancers (Weiterbildungsscheck betrieblich) and up to 70% for employees (Weiterbildungsscheck individuell). read more

29.08.2014 LSI-Portal - Reporting tool and vocab training tools

Log in your personal LSI Portal - A reporting tool for HR Managers to check attendance lists and course overviews and vocab training tools for our clients with course specific online exericises. Introduction
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Evening courses

LSI World of Languages GmbH

Lützowstraße 2

04155 Leipzig

Phone: +49 (341) 58 61 319 - 0
Fax: +49 (341) 58 61 319 - 9
E-Mail: info@lsi-world.de

Category: Chinese

Event: C2 - 80 units à 45 min

Date: 03.07.2024 - 25.12.2024
